Install macOS Build Tools

Now that you have a working machine, you will need to install the basic software needed to run builds.

Although this can be accomplished in a number of ways (VNC, Web Console, etc.), we will be using SSH, as it’s easier to do repeatedly and to automate as you scale up.

You can access your host via SSH from your desktop provided you have the VPN connected:

ssh buildkite@<YOUR_IP_ADDRESS>



All further terminal commands in this guide will assume that you are logged into the above.

Install Homebrew:

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
brew install rbenv ruby-build 

Add rbenv to bash so that it loads every time you open a terminal:

echo 'if which rbenv > /dev/null; then eval "$(rbenv init -)"; fi' >> ~/.bash_profile 
source ~/.bash_profile 

Install Ruby:

rbenv install 
rbenv global
ruby -v

Install Xcode:



You will have to enter your Apple Developer credentials to download Xcode. This will require a valid developer license and 2-factor auth from your device.

You can manually install Xcode via the App Store if required, but we recommend Xcode::Install, a tool for installing and managing multiple versions of Xcode. This allows you to use the one machine for multiple versions and swap between them, similar to the approach we took in the previous step for Ruby:

gem install xcode-install 
rbenv rehash 
xcversion install 9.0.1 
sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/



The version of Xcode installed needs to correspond to the version of Swift that your iOS or macOS app runs on. Find the correct version here. You can install the corresponding version via xcversion install.

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