Other Clouds
Connect a third-party cloud to your MacStadium environment if:
- You need to share files between the two clouds.
- You need to share the cloud infrastructure.
- You need to access the virtual machines from one cloud on the other.
- You need to run a more complex CI/CD setup where the macOS part of the pipeline is hosted in
MacStadium and the remaining pipeline is hosted in another cloud.
Step 1 Setup Third-Party Site-to-Site Config
Choose the third-party provider you would like to connect your Mac Cloud to, and
follow the setup instructions provided.
- AWS Networking Setup
- Azure Networking Setup
- Google Cloud Platform Networking Setup
- Private Cloud Networking Setup
Step 2 Prepare for MacStadium (Cisco ASA/ASAv) Config
Follow the associated guide provided below as you prepare the VPN configuration for input
into the Cisco ASA/ASAv.
Step 3 Setup MacStadium Site-to-Site Config
Now you will need to configure the MacStadium end of things.
Configure MacStadium's End of the Site-to-Site VPN
Step 4 (Optional) Verify Connection + Troubleshooting
MacStadium + AWS
Verify Connection | Troubleshooting
MacStadium + Azure
Verify Connection | Troubleshooting
MacStadium + Google Cloud Platform
Verify Connection | Troubleshooting
Updated about 4 years ago